The Sound of Silence…………..

We’re approaching the end of our 12 Days of Customer Service and I can safely predict that over the next few days, practically all of us will have any experience of the “not so good” kind when it comes to Customer Service.

While the White House may be proclaiming that the Recession is over, we in the business world know that we are still fighting for survival and that every Customer is a source of revenue. We cannot afford to lose any if we are t make it.  Looking back over our 12, make that 11, days so far, we have talked about:

  • Responding quickly to their questions
  • Guaranteeing their satisfaction
  • Admitting when we’re wrong
  • Being reachable (and not hiding behind a Wizard of Oz IVR system)
  • Making sure that what  they order is correct the first time
  • Occasionally, giving them something for free
  • Listening to them, really, listening to them
  • When they made a mistake, forgiving  them (and making national headlines for it)
  • Giving them what they want (not what you want them to have)
  • Focusing on them with a laser like attention

And these are only the tip of the Customer Service iceberg.  It is a constant effort to keep the ship from sinking so that we don’t have to hang one of these signs in front of our store.

Because when all our Customers go away….it gets very quiet.

Thanks for reading,


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